by kenya
Published on: Jan 25, 2007
Type: Opinions

It’s well known that a journalist armed with a pen is like a military man brandishing a kalashnkov gun but still a censored press has a demoralizing effect ….. The government hears its own voice, yet acts under the illusion that it hears the voice of the people and demands from the people that they should accept this illusion too.

So the people for their part sink partly into political disbelief or withdraw completely from civic life and become a sable …… since the people are forced to regard free writings as illegal they become accustomed to regarding what is illegal as free, freedom as illegal and what is legal as un free thus censorship kills civic spirit while arrogant and despotic “censorship” ignites civic protest..,unrest. and eventually civic disobedience.

"In a free society everything can be published and is forgotten because it’s all seen at a glance. Under absolutism and dictatorship everything is hidden but may be divine "… according to the words of Marquis De Cuistine ( 1839 ).

My advice to the power welders of the day is that they reconsider their line of attack because the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that it’s a basic right for all people “to seek, receive, and impart information through any media regardless of the frontiers. Finally let the government not forget the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “That you may vex ,afflict or torment us but your wickedness puts our weakness to test, your cruelty is our strength, the blood we shed is the seed so many will spring up to champion the cause…. i.e. ‘THE PRESS FREEDOM” .

And the media houses learn to live and fight together as brothers or you will die together as they say that the fourth estate should be a collective propagandist ,collective agitator and a collective organizer .

Things like "state security" are weapons wielded by the governing class to defend its own privileges and clandestinly "sweep corruption under the carpet".

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