by Zach K
Published on: Jan 21, 2007
Type: Poetry

Well, we had to write something about the earth in English class.

Here goes:


The Earth is our mother;
a mother of pride,
a mother of forgiveness.
The Earth is our home;
filled with amazing things
just a touch away.
We, humans, sometimes forget
that the earth is our home,
our natural habitat.
Greed and Selfishness dominating our lives,
we are turning into insatiable people (found that word somewhere).
The earth cares for us,
nurtures us,
But why aren't we returning the favor?
We are acting rapacious (another one i didn't know),
ruining the earth for future generations.
But time is not up,
we still have a chance,
to preserve the earth,
for the future's time.

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