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What will save the world? Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Jose Menacho Galiano, Peru Jan 28, 2003
Peace & Conflict   Opinions


Archeologists, Anthropologists, Historians, Politicians, Priests or Futurologists... Who knows the next steps of the humanity in their running to arrive in a new level of ideas that really change the world?

Perhaps it will be a new vision of Capitalism, the Third Way, and a new Socialism? What about a new Islamism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism? The fact is that the majority of citizens of the first world think that the world is only some countries or places and the rest are exotic and far away worlds that some times exist in the breaking news of a Cable TV signal.

Around the world, works organizations that aids poor countries with donations and supports in different economic or social levels, but lot of the time undeveloped countries works to pay for the depths of some of these aids and the "Economical Future" for their people will not exist or exists far away.

What told us the history about the world? Lot of discoveries, human reaches, but also holocausts and big wars. Why do people hate people? Why didn't they live in harmony or without any kind of economical "Interests"?

What about the big burglars? What happened during the conquerors era around the world? How many people died in that period of history? Who claims the treasures or natural resources that conquerors stole? Who sold the worldwide authors rights or patents as products like "POTATOS" (for example) similar as the law rights of software in use? Yes, the rights are very different for SOME people in spite of others.

In undeveloped countries there also exists a high level way of living for a few people in spite of a majority poor society. Social differences are dramatic, but finally all these nations work for maintaining the high level of countries that have the power and laws that decided what will do for our future.

The Wars, the terrorism, the illegal medical experiments, etc., are bad human reactions. I really know that extremism is bad and is an insane way for claiming. And I find that the only way for change all of these differences are in learning respect, tolerance, peace and love between us.

But where do we find that ideology? In the Holy Bible, in the message of Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Krishna, Mother Teresa, etc. all of these good souls taught us the way. Also "Primitives" will teach us more than other reputable personalities or scientists. Because they respect nature, they know the secrets of it and the way of living in harmony.

Our ancient cultures knew how to love nature. From Egyptians, Celts, Saxons, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Maoris, Vikings, Incas, Aztecs, Mayas, Sioux, Greeks, Mesopotamians, rainforest tribes in America to Australasian or African tribes all of them knowand knew how to love and take care of mother earth.

Earth is so fragile and humans are dangerous and we need to learn how to love mother earth and ourselves.

If you begin to practice LOVE - loving people, loving other countries, loving other cultures, loving animals, loving nature, loving the Creator, loving earth as your mother that brings all you need for your life - loving all of them as you feel love from your mother.

The world, the people and all who live in this planet need respect from all of us and we'll really change in justice, in peace and in a way of thinking and living with plenty of freedom!

"Love" lives in ourselves; we need to get it outside of us for working together to build a new worldwide system.

When each one of us opens our eyes and sees what surrounds ourselves, we would reach a new level of knowledge for sharing "Love" to others for living in respect and peace.

When we really learn this meaning, we'll live in freedom and in a plenty worldwide democracy!

Love all of you,




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Writer Profile
Jose Menacho Galiano

I am living in the great country of Peru. I am someone who wants to express my thoughts to a great and lovely audience like TIG. I am someone who only wants to share their love with a world that only needs a hope of living.

Thanks for reading me.


If everyone would think your way...the world WOULD have no problems...
Francis Cardinal | Feb 17th, 2003
But..the unfortunate thing is, Jose, very few do. I think the base of most of our present problems evoles around money and individualism issues. As you said, 1st world citizens only see developped countries as being the *world* And what's with the 1st to 3rd world terms anyways? i really dont get it...If you ask me, it is as simple as *we have ONE world and we are all part of it* Consequently, we are all responsible for every bit of it. I dont think the money issue was a bad idea at first but, over the centuries, it has slowly climed itself to become THE issue. In many countries, it has replaced almost entirely all forms of religion or spirituality. Money rules! I know im generalizing but in *1st world countries*, people are blinded with the urge to make money. I don't think we can blame anyone but the evolution of societies and ... politicians. People who are born and raised in a very materialistic, superficial and money oriented family have very little chances of not adopting their parents bad habits. They just get caught in that neverending circular money pattern. Work more to make more to buy more to then want more, so then work more .... you know the deal. Now, i really got to agree with what you said about primitives knowing more about how humans were meant to live on this earth. You are exacly right about all this. Africans, for exemple, they had great, happy, earth friendly lives until the white man arrived, took over, made them slaves, killed their self-esteem and all this brought new needs. Africans, in my opinion, would have the greatest lives if they would not try to copy our capitalist system. They created themselves new needs and, well, with the little power they have over their ressources, they cannot do anything about it. It makes them unhappy because they cannot get what we have. Which is, in my opinion, ridiculus. I think the only point in your article i doubt is when you said the only way to improve our world's situation is to love everything. Most people DON'T love..and i dont think that the world is now in any position to WAIT for people to start loving each other and their planet.. This is why I think drastic *extremism* is one of the only ways to get people to change their mentality. Since their are so few of us that

....sorry, got cut off..
Francis Cardinal | Feb 17th, 2003
i was saying, since their are so few of us that actually realize all of this.. we should do something about it. Maybe our life purpose IS to wisen up people. I dont think we will make much of a difference by spreading love around with cute peace songs and cheezy sayings...I know ways to slap people in the face without using violence. The world's problems and solutions are NOT to be found in 3rd world countries, they are all in the way of life developped countries have acquired. The best way to make a difference is to have these people realize how egoistical, superficial and pointless their lives are. Jose... this is what i had to say about your article...very great work, youll never stop suprising me. keep it up brother! Francis

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