In a world where REALITIES are many
In one aspect they are true, but in another they are like mirages.
When one thinks of them as if one finds the truth
They are found to be fake, and are found to be false
As TRUTH and HAPPINNESS are two different realities,
What makes us happy, is not necessarily very true.
What one is attracted to, is just fictitious stuff or feeds one's ego or belly.
In such a world, life is still a mystery and very funny
It is just a game, if you know how to play.
One can score and win the game without injury,
But, if it is a life and death game, one may lose a life.
As such is the case, one prefers to keep silent and watch the game
Until the referee is found and the JUDGE is come
Which tells the world, who is wrong and who is right.
As SILENCE is the safe way and the best medicine
That cures the noise and the wise has to utilize.
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Dereje Amera
Writing is a powerful instrument to promote one's ideology, so as to transform and galvanize the whole of humanity to have a better perspective about this world.
Words are just combinations of letters, but the power they exert in every human frame is still a mystery to all.
Writing uses these mysterious forces of words as a tool to introduce, induce and create vibrations in society, which do have an influence on every aspect of our life as human beings.
May the power of WORDS prevail over all!!
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