TakingITGlobal.org is the social network that connects you to the global issues that affect us all!
Hi TIG Member,
Here's a quick update on what was "Hot and Happening" at www.tigweb.org recently:
Add your voice to At The Table Over one million people have signed-on to demand bold action from the 2010 Summit Tables. We want our leaders to end poverty, tackle global warming and create a global economy that's fair for all of us. Get involved with the Short Change Challenge, sign the G20 declaration or add your voice to the Flat Leader photo petition.
One Billion Hungry Campaign Hunger exists because of poverty. Hunger exists because of conflict, natural disasters and financial and economic crises. Sharing a vision of a world without hunger is the first step. The public and private sectors need to work together to end poverty and inequality and improve access to safe food for all. Get involved by signing this petition to pressure politicians to end hunger!
Featured Member: Shobana Nair Shobana Nair Saseedharan has been an active TIG member since 2005, where she first stumbled upon TakingITGlobal and began to educate herself. She then moved onto educating others by becoming a committed mentor for TakingITGlobal's Sprout e-course. In a recent article in The Star, Shobana mentioned how TIG triggered and led her to evolve an undeniable passion in being informed on current global issues. Want to be inspired? Explore TIG's Member Stories and Youth Media!
The Pixel Project Voters' Choice Campaign 2010 The Pixel Project aims to raise US$1 million to be shared between the USA's National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Malaysia's Women's Aid Organisation. Through an online micro-donation fundraiser, a 1-million pixel mystery collage of 4-6 globally known Celebrity Male Role Models will be unveiled as donors 'buy' each pixel for US$1.00. You are invited to vote in the first Voters' Choice Celebrity Male Role Model Poll and Petition. Get involved and have your say!
Join the iEARN International Summit and Youth Conference virtual congress! The countdown is on for the 14th annual iEARN International Conference and Youth Summit to be held in Barrie, Ontario from July 12th-17th. The conference seeks to use communication technology in education to improve health and welfare among communities, to promote intercultural dialogue and to support E-learning and professional development. You can get in on the action by participating in the virtual congress, facilitated by TakingITGlobal and proudly supported by Intelius. Interested in getting involved? RSVP on the event page and we'll send you more information!
We wish you a wonderful week!
- Roya, Madeleine, Vivian, Francisco and the entire TakingITGlobal Team!