TakingITGlobal - Inspire. Inform. Involve. September 14 - 20, 2008
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Here's a quick update on what was "Hot and Happening" at TakingITGlobal.org recently:

Discuss: Democracy
Do you have an opinion on Democracy that you wish to share with the world? Get your video cameras rolling! TakingITGlobal and Youth Media Exchange (ymex.org) have partnered with international organizations, the film and entertainment industry, academia and the U.S. government on the Democracy Video Challenge, asking youth around the world to create short videos completing the statement "Democracy is..." Seven winners will be chosen and win a once in a lifetime opportunity! On both TakingITGlobal and ymex.org, you'll have the chance to continue the dialogue about what democracy means to you so visit the Discussion Boards soon!

Pieces of Peace
TIGer Mai from Palestine has passionately addressed in her blog about how she would like to see peace in her country. She writes, "I want change, I want the situation in my country to change, I want the way people act there to change, not everything, just a tiny bit of change that is enough for us to start building, I need to be part of the building of this country, I want it to start happening in my lifetime." We would all like to see peace in Palestine and the rest of the world. If you share the same sentiments with her, read and comment on her blog!

Sexuality and Disability
TIGer chechemy from Mexico has written an enlightening article within Panorama highlighting that "many youth with disabilities are ignored when discussing issues relating to sexuality." Chechemy further claims that "even for those youth who have been able to make adaptations in order to live a "normal life" encounter tremendous social barriers when broaching the subjects of romantic relationships and sexuality." Read the article and share your views, questions and concerns related to sexuality and youth disability.

Celebrating People at the Poles!
Join us around September 24th and learn more about People and the Polar Regions. You can find many ways to get involved: participate in local and global discussions or tune into radio broadcasts from Arctic Canada!

September 21st: International Peace Day
Each year, International Day of Peace is mobilizing millions of people who call for the creation of a culture of peace. As humanity we should strive towards peace in the world that is dominated by wars. We should make peace for future generations to enjoy a conflict free world. Take a look at a painting by 12-14 students from Romania who dream of peaceful world. To learn more about International Day of Peace, visit our TIG page.

TIGTips: Member Map
Did you know you have a map linked from your profile, automatically updated with the location of your friends, countries visited, events attended, and the UNESCO World Heritage sites you've seen? If you don't have anything on your map, complete your profile and add some friends to get started!

We wish you a wonderful weekend!

- Incia, Nick, Joanne, Maciej and the entire TakingITGlobal.org Team!
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