Hi $Name,
Here's a quick update on what was "Hot and Happening" at TakingITGlobal.org recently:
TIGStar: Adham Adnan Tabil TakingITGlobal has a new active member! Adham Adnan Tabil has the #1 rank as he is enthusiastically contributing to the site. Adham works for the Ministry of Health in Gaza, Palestine. He advocates for intercultural dialogue and peace. Browse through Adham's profile and read the content he has submitted and learn more about his role on TakingITGlobal.
Let's Get Political! This is crucial time for North America as both Canada and the United States are campaigning for their next head of state. As young people, it's imperative that we understand the parties, leaders and issues. TakingITGlobal has created group blogs on the U.S. Elections and Canadian Elections. This is a platform to civically engage in conversation with others and get informed about who you should vote for - join one of the group blogs and share your thoughts!
Make It Happen: Apply Now! Have an idea to change the world? Looking to develop your project management skills and network with other youth leaders? Make It Happen is an online course offered by TakingITGlobal that provides an innovative and collaborative approach to helping young people (ages 16-30) build their capacities as agents of change. From October 2008 to January 2009, participants will learn to develop, implement, and evaluate successful social and environmental projects. Get more information and apply now!
TIGBlog: Health and Technology TIGer Lisa Campbell has written an interesting blog this week about the impact of technological devices on personal health. Lisa claims, "As a youth who uses technology in all of my work...am I addicted to technology so much that I can't reduce my usage to improve my heath?" There are some important issues that Lisa highlights within the blog, read it and share your comments.
TIGTips: RSS Feeds Did you know we have RSS feeds for most of the content on TakingITGlobal.org? If you use My Yahoo! or iGoogle, you can have the latest TIG content on your personalized homepage. You can also visit your country site and subscribe to a local RSS feed for the latest content from your country! Not sure what RSS is all about? Learn more about RSS.
We wish you a wonderful weekend!
- Incia, Michael, Andrea, PJ and the entire TakingITGlobal.org Team!