Sri Lanka
What inspires you?
I'm Kalinga, and since last year I've been a Microsoft Student Partner. Currently studying as a Final year Undergraduate in BSc Computing & Information Systems at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. Few months back I've founded a non-profit organization called "Uva Wellassa IT Foundation". It is aimed to increase the IT literacy in our province because Uva province has the least IT literacy in the country. Very interested in Entrepreneurship. And recently founded a technology firm as well.
Tell us about an issue that matters to you and how you became aware and involved.
Making an Innovation that will provide Jobs and make the world as a better place for live.
Share your perspectives on what makes a good leader.
"Handi-Mart" is a programme which is aimed at improving the quality of Handicrafts in our province. This programme will first target the Uva Province of Sri Lanka, then it'll reach for the Other provinces as well.
Goals. 1. Provide Jobs for the people (Mainly targeting Young Artists). 2. Improve the technologies and techniques for making handicrafts which was came by generation to generation for 1000 of years. 3. Provide a Good Marketplace to sell their products. 4. Welfare program to improve their life.
Up to now I've discussed with the government authorities and Local Artists and they are willing to give their maximum commitment to this. We are trying to make an ecommerce platform especially optimized for selling these Items globally. For this reason my target is to place a small office for managing the orders, packing and deliver the goods properly. Once in a Quarter I'm Planning to meet the artists for check their progress.
How do you use technology as part of your project?
I'm creating a web portal for selling the goods and most of the process is managing by our unique SCM software
What project by another I4G member inspires you?
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