Cristino Alberto Gómez
Dominican Republic
What inspires you?
I get inspired by people with their desire to go ahead in the conquer of their dreams. No limit is too big when a person decides to build his/her own story.
Tell us about an issue that matters to you and how you became aware and involved.
I am interested in sustainability, oriented to address at the same time the challenges of environmental conservation and socio-economic development. I became aware when I started to study agricultural sciences while growing in a rural environment. I could link the study areas with my reality of origin. Later, I decided to specialize in environmental socio-economics and development prectice to contribute as an agent of sustainable development. I have dedicated the most of my knowledge and experience to the development of my community where I was born (Fondo Grande), leading the implementation of reforestation, agroforestry and training projects. Nowadays, I work with youth in agricultural education. With them, I share the vision of sustainability and the importance of leadership to lead the changes needed in the world.
Share your perspectives on what makes a good leader.
I am a good leader because I work in the conquer of what I consider is worth. In addition to this, I have the ability to listen to people and appreciate their ideas, motivating people to find the best of them. In my work with the community I have sought to catalyze processes without creating dependence, so the people involved always know they can lead their development process and generate endogenous solutions.
Do you think TakingITGlobal can help you achieve some of your goals? Have we already? Please tell us how.
TakingITGlobal not only can help me to achieve the goals, but it also has already done it. It all started with the series of communication tools that TIG provides, thanks to which I began the creation of a youth organization called Fondo Grande Ahead. From this organization, we in Fondo Grande have achieved an active participation of youth in the most relevant projects.
The forum, global issues and the pages of different organizations allow me to be updated on relevant topics and the action of leaders around the world. This makes me a global citizen.